Get the New Gravilux App for iPhone, iPad, & Mac

Now available, the new Gravilux app for iPhone, iPad, & Mac.

Get the App

Eleven years ago I was fairly surprised when I uploaded an iPhone and iPad App of an obscure interactive art project called Gravilux that lets you interact with a simulated galaxy of stars.

For a few days, Gravilux became the #1 app in the world, then one of Apple's "Top 10 Apps of the Year," and later an enduring favorite that has been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times over the years. Its popularity lead to amazing collaborations with Björk, Philip Glass, Metric, and Passion Pit on "App Albums," and many wonderful projects and friends.

Gravilux became out of date and was out of the App Store for a while, but now it's back with a completely new, simplified interface and fast graphics.

I think the app endures because it puts people into a meditative state where they can let go of regretting the past and anticipating the future for a little while to connect with the laws of nature, their creativity, and themselves.

Download here for iPhone, iPad, and also a newly updated version for Mac too:

Thanks to Graham McDermott for working together on this and many other beautiful apps over the years, and Johan Ismael and his group Night Sea for the great track "Grand Bleu" included in this video and the app's music visualizer.


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